Home / News / Tua Tagovailoa testing out new helmet designed specifically to protect quarterbacks

Tua Tagovailoa testing out new helmet designed specifically to protect quarterbacks

Aug 13, 2023Aug 13, 2023

The NFL and NFL Players Association approved a new helmet this offseason that helmet maker Vicis designed specifically to protect quarterbacks from the kinds of injuries they suffer when their heads hit the ground. Unsurprisingly, Tua Tagovailoa is interested.

Tagovailoa, who suffered multiple concussions on exactly those kinds of hits last season, said he is wearing he newly designed helmet at Organized Team Activities to see how comfortable he is in it.

"I’m still trying to feel it out, so what better time to feel it out than OTAs? I heard it's supposedly better than the helmet I was wearing last year," Tagovailoa said. "If it could be that much more safe, then why not give it a shot?"

Tagovailoa said he's not sure if he’ll wear the helmet during the season, but he wants to give himself plenty of time to try it out on the practice field. Of course, quarterbacks don't get hit in practice, and Tagovailoa won't really know how much extra protection the helmet gives him until he needs it. But it's something he's considering, and other quarterbacks may follow suit.

Unless Tua gets physically bigger and heavier, he will be tossed like a rag doll and suffer another concussion. Not a matter of if, but when.

He should be the spokesperson for the QB specific helmet. 🤔

Is this the Wes Welker Jetsons model?

You can test all you want, but at the end of the day it's not going to change the fact that he's suffered brain damage on three separate occasions that we know of, and possibly even more. Sorry but he's at a higher risk for more, and things aren't going to improve that's simply a fact. Gloss over it all you want the guy is too small to take that type of punishment.

Great, but does it protect against "back injuries"?

Good move. Let him test it. If it works for him then we know the rest of the league will love it.

He could easily ask a coach or a teammate to come up from behind and whack him in the head a few times with a baseball bat.No reason to wait for a game to really give it a test.

If it's effective, I hope other players consider switching to this helmet. The NFL is taxing enough even without the concussion issue and I want former players to live healthy and productive lives long after their playing days are over.

Good for him on trying it out early. It is going to have a different feel. If it helps, maybe he will be able to walk at 40.

I don't think he will ever know how much more protection it's giving him. If it's been tested by the company, he just needs to have faith it actually works.

I hear this helmet gives off a kind of "Boy In The Plastic Bubble" kind of look. I can't wait to see him running and cutting his way down the field, rolling between players diving at his feet, clutching at air, as he rolls to victory like he's in some kind of mid-summer made for Sunday afternoon TV Gladiator Games contest.

Interesting to see How Tua likes the helmet and if it is effective. I think Many More options will be available in the future. I’ve seen a lot of Videos on line of newer options. But really How Many More options Can There Be On This Page?

Unless it is designed to protect rag dolls I am not sure how much it will help.

Of course, he doesn't want to get hit to test the helmet. That would be like testing a bulletproof vest by asking someone to shoot you. He wants to test it for balance, weight and visibility.

i’m not saying anything, i am just saying, prior to his injury the fins were rolling.

Tua's main problem is he's too small, so it is far too easy for a D-lineman to ragdoll him. Even if this new helmet could eliminate concussions — which seems unlikely — it's not going to fix whiplash or other neck or spinal injuries that could occur when he gets thrown to the ground.

austinspencer says:June 8, 2023 at 1:47 pmUnless Tua gets physically bigger and heavier, he will be tossed like a rag doll and suffer another concussion. Not a matter of if, but when.——-

He's not small by any means but he's not Josh Allen size either. Some are just more susceptible to injury than others. He's just soft

goodellthegrifter says:June 8, 2023 at 1:50 pm

Is this the Wes Welker Jetsons model?_________________________

He needs the Dark Helmet from Spaceballs!

only a matter of time those outside padded helmets they use during training camp are used during games

So it's the new high end model that includes the seeing out of the back of your head option as well as having the taking a knee before it's too late package?

allinforallen says:June 8, 2023 at 2:42 pmgoodellthegrifter says:June 8, 2023 at 1:50 pm

Is this the Wes Welker Jetsons model?_________________________

He needs the Dark Helmet from Spaceballs!


That's essentially what it is. Prepare to go to "Ludacris Speed!"

Poor Tua has been let down by his own organization's greed and arrogance. He should have never, ever been put back out there like that.

How is he testing it? If he's just wearing it to see if it's comfortable that doesn't mean much.

allinforallen says:June 8, 2023 at 2:42 pmgoodellthegrifter says:June 8, 2023 at 1:50 pm

Is this the Wes Welker Jetsons model?_________________________

He needs the Dark Helmet from Spaceballs!

Or the Great Gazoo helmet from The Flintstones.

He's being smart.

All players should try out new equipment during OTAs and pre-season.

The Tua hate is back in full force. I love it! Get ready for some Dolphins football! Phins Up!

Is that going to stop him from beating the pats like a drum? Probably not

Dude needs HGH. Oh, and an experimental helmet.

austinspencer says:June 8, 2023 at 1:47 pmUnless Tua gets physically bigger and heavier, he will be tossed like a rag doll and suffer another concussion. Not a matter of if, but when.—————————————-Patrick Mahommes is only seven pounds heavier and one inch taller. Does that mean Tua just needs seven more pounds before he doesn't get tossed around anymore?

Is it just me or does it seem like everything they do to try and reduce concussions seems to only increase them?! It's a Goodell thing, IMO! Whatever he does to improve player safety only seems to result in more injuries!

"Patrick Mahommes is only seven pounds heavier and one inch taller. Does that mean Tua just needs seven more pounds before he doesn't get tossed around anymore?"

Actually Tua added some much needed muscle and now weighs the same as PM at 225.

I wish him the best. That is all I’m going to say.

So what or who is to blame if Tua gets a concussion while wearing this new helmet? Is it because the helmet doesn't give additional protection or is Tua just too susceptible to concussions?

The NFL needs to mandate that all players wear this specially made helmet to decrease concussions. Needs to implemented by pop warner, high schools, colleges across the nation.

You must be a moron if you believe any kind of helmet will protect you from getting a concussion, because they can't. A concussion happens when your brain slams against the inside of your skull, no helmet can prevent that. The NFL is trying to sell something that just isn't possible. I think Godell has has one to many hits.

Hope it works for him. If nothing else at least he's being proactive with this and the jujitsu stuff. You only get one brain.

I just came here for the comments. I am not disappointed.

When Chris Sims fell off the PFT platform (at much amusement to Mike Florio) you’ll notice he instinctively put his chin towards his chest & engaged his neck muscles so that his head didn't hit the floor. That's what boxers also do (unless their completely out the second they get clocked) but Tia's always just flops back, hitting deck hard. Hopefully his martial arts training & some neck strengthening exercises will plant the instinctivnes into his falls so that he doesn't have his head snap back on impact with the ground. A better helmet can't hurt but so would grass rather than artificial turf.

Maybe he needs the Storm Troopers helmet from Star Wars. It would look pretty spiffy in aqua. In all seriousness he needs to get the ball out of his hands much more quickly, especially given our porous offensive line.

Poor Tua

Why worry about the helmet, that isnt going to help prevent another "back injury" (wink wink). Right fish fans? He had a "back injury"…

Raggard says:June 8, 2023 at 4:47 pm"Patrick Mahommes is only seven pounds heavier and one inch taller. Does that mean Tua just needs seven more pounds before he doesn't get tossed around anymore?"

Actually Tua added some much needed muscle and now weighs the same as PM at 225.============================================================================Exactly. He's not too small. He's just Glass Joe.

I thought Tua didn't need a helmet anymore after his Jujitsu training?

People like to criticize Tua and act like he's fragile or something. Let's all remember that his first concussion last year was labeled as a back injury by the team, and they allowed him back on the field. That's on the team, not Tua.

Teams are careless with players’ health and the players suffer the consequences. Just like the Browns kept Mayfield on the field in 2021 – he should’ve been put on IR by around week 5.

Bad teams make bad decisions.

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